Monday, February 20, 2012

#Mamavation Week 2

 What would make you feel sexier?

 Well this question hits a BIG home run with me.  Last Friday was date night with my husband.  We try to take a night to ourselves, kid free every couple of months & I just wanted to feel sexy for the evening.  For me I wish I would have had a sexier bra for the occasion.  I know that it sounds award, but when you have a bust my size (40G) you simply can't go to Victoria Secret or even Walmart & by a bra off the shelf.  I have to order the bras online & than hope that it fits when it arrives.  Unfortunately there are very few companies who make bras cute in my size.  They are usually white or beige.  No frills or thrill, they sure don't result in anyone feeling sexy.  Since its hard to have a bra that fits decent it results in shirts & dresses not fitting well.  I honestly feel that if I would have been able to have a better fitting bra not just on Friday but every day of the week that I would feel sexier in my clothing, not matter if its a fancy dress or my sweats for a good workout.

I was looking at Eden Fantasys web site & found that they actually carry plus sized lingerie and some sexy bras. 
  BLOGGING CARNIVAL: This week’s blogging carnival is sponsored by Eden Fantasys.

Monday, February 13, 2012

#Mamavation Week 1?

Hello fellow mommies.  It has been well over a month since I took the time to blog with all of you.  Why? you ask.  Well I simply don't have a decent answer...but I do have a lot of excuses lately.  Yes, I have been sick on & off with a flu bug and yes I did just perforate my ear drum which is resulting in my losing my hearing in my right ear (were hoping that this is just temporary) But that is NOT a good reason why I couldn't take 5 minutes out of my day to check on all of you, as well as jotting down my notes so that I am held responsible for my actions. 
With that being said I am making this my new week 1.  I weighed in this morning at 213# :(  YUCK!  I had seeing those numbers, and yes I can feel the effect on my body.  I am slower, tired, cranky, hungry ALL the time because I am not eating the foods that I should.
I am giving myself a goal of dropping 10#s every 30 days.  My hope is to be down 40#s by June.  I know that I can do this.  I can achieve these goals.  This goal is not only for me, but also my family.  I want to be around for a long time.  By being healthier & stronger.  

“This post is sponsored by Mamavation – a community dedicated to obesity prevention & weight loss for women and I’m writing this to be entered into a giveaway”

The question was....
What is your favorite way to relax?
 I love reading books.  So my favorite way to relax is to curl up with a glass of wine, & read a book all night long.  I can escape from the present & feel as if I am living that story.