Tuesday, July 31, 2012


***Happy Dance***  I just weighed in & I lost 4 pounds!!!  I haven't lost any weight in WEEKS and now I lose 4 pounds without even trying.  Of course I didn't food journal at all this week, but I do know that when I worked out I did a great job.  Time has been my enemy these past couple weeks.  Hence why I'm first working on my blog tonight vs. yesterday morning like I should have.  With time being my enemy I kicked my weights up & the intensity.  I've also been pushing myself to complete a set number of reps per minute.  I'm hoping to drop another pound or two this week.  Keeping my fingers crossed:)

Monday, July 23, 2012


This weeks topic is one that hits home not just for me, but many other people that I know. I have experienced many types of abuse over the years.  Not just physical, but verbal.  Without going into too much detail here are just a few things that I myself experienced. This is very personal, and no one other than my husband, physician & siblings know about some of these things.  I'm not yet comfortable sharing all the details with my fellow "sisters".  But I will tell you I have experienced mental abuse from a teacher in grade school, physical abuse from my mom, and sexual abuse. 

The sexual abuse is the hardest for me to share.  Its so personal.  I've even try to twist the story around so that it wont sound like a rape.  But deep down it still bothers me so much.  I still now 15 years after the fact still want to eat an entire cake or bag of chips to try to forget about it. 

However my weight gain didn't really start to happen until after the first BIG lie that happened while my husband & I were dating.  Than I got it back under control, or so I thought, until my youngest daughter was born.  That's really when I packed on the pounds, fast. 

I know for myself, I work out hard and try to eat healthy.  But whenever I flash back to the abuse that I have had  I want to eat and 7 out of 10 times I give into the food.  Which than only makes me feel worse. 

This weeks program is going to be really hard for me.  I think I will relive some of these past issues & I think that some of the fears I have been having in my marriage, that I have been trying to ignore, may come to life. 

Monday, July 16, 2012

#Mamavation #2WeekChallenge~Results

For the past two weeks myself as well as other mommy bloggers participated in a 2 week challenge. During these 2 weeks we were all encouraged to eat healthier as well as follow a workout plan.  My workout plan was the beginner workout.  I started strong & worked hard for six days and rested one.  But than during week two I started to slack again.  I would preform my workouts just fine, but my food was just horrible.  I was just craving fries & a big juicy cheese burger.  You know how it is, the more you think about a food item that you shouldn't eat the more you want it.  Anyway I caved in last night.  I pigged out on fries & had a mushroom burger with swiss cheese.  But after I ate the food, I began to feel guilty, which than lead to frustration and anger because of my weakness. 

But with that being said I was still pleased with my result of losing 2#s in 2 Weeks.  I didn't meet my 5# goal this time, but next time I know that I will not only shed the 5#s but I will see a slightly smaller waist line.

#Mamavation ~ Is there such thing as working out too much?

While I myself, don't feel like I work out too much, I know many others who do.    I feel like I don't work out enough some days.  But than I again, I'm afraid to work out too hard.  Why?  Well because I have a herniated disk in my lower spine that has a little bulge...too little to need surgery.  But enough to cause my feet to go numb & my siatic nerve to tremor throughout the day, not to mention my back locking up.   Because of this injury I was unable to workout for over 4 months.  Than I was put on light & easy exercises for nearly 6 months after.  Having to endure this & the pain that was associated with it I am terrified of re-injuring myself worse.  That is why I started 2 weeks ago (this will be week 5) of working with a personal trainer who is running a boot camp.  However the boot camp only runs for 1 more weeks & than I will be left on my own.  Also, after last week's workout I had serious issues with my latissimus dorsi muscles on both side of my back.  The were pulled to the point where I couldn't even bend over to pick up my kids toys.  I asked one of the trainers what to do & they showed me some stretches for my back which helped so that I could at least get in my workouts.  I would love to win this weeks giveaway that is being sponsored by Mamavation.  I feel that it would be beneficial to learn from another trainer some techniques that would help me to my goal of losing 50#s & dropping a few sizes.  I will definitely be logging on tonight to watch what Coach Erika,  FFIT at Home  has to teach all of us tonight. 

 “This post is sponsored by FFIT and hosted by Mamavation – a community dedicated to obesity prevention & weight loss for women and I’m writing this to be entered into a giveaway”

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Are you Unjunked?

Tonight is going to be my very first attempt at joining a twitter party to support this fantastic new to me company.  Get UnReal candy is a fantastic product that has no corn syrup,  hydrogenated oil, or artificial ingredients and without preservatives.  UnReal can be found at your local CVS & Walgreen's candy isle.  

Monday, July 9, 2012

#Mamavation Monday ~ Workout with Weights

Do you work out with weights?  Honestly, no.  I try to, but the pure thought of free weights intimidates me each and every time.  I have tried.  Even participated in a few Body Pump classes at the local YMCA.  But I feel like a fool.  I feel sloppy, unsteady & definitely unsure of myself.  I have asked questions.  Even been shown how to properly lift, yet I don't feel sure enough to do it on my own.  The most that I have felt able to do is 10# bicep curls & 10# lat raises.  Other than that, I rely  on weight assisted machines.  I do the reps, but have yet to see any results.  That is why I am going to be tuning in tonight for MAMAVATION TV: 7pm PST/10pm EST on Mingle Media TV.  I really am hoping that by watching special guest Melissa Parks that I will learn some proper lifting techniques so that I build muscle, tone out the fat & not hurt myself.  

I would also like to thank the entire Mamavation community for their support the past few weeks.  I truly feel the support from each of you & look forward to the months & years ahead  as we all work towards our goals.  I would also like to thank you for the blogging carnival win last week!  It was & is a huge surprise:)

 This post is sponsored by Omron and hosted by Mamavation – a community dedicated to obesity prevention & weight loss for women and I’m writing this to be entered into a giveaway”

Monday, July 2, 2012

#mamavation monday~Where do you workout?

People often ask me where I workout and why.  Well I do a combination of working out at home and at the gym.  I used to hate going to the gym feeling that I spent more time talking than exercising.  I also felt that people were staring at me making harsh judgements.  It didn't take long for me to realize that my fears & worries were unfounded.  That every person who walked through the doors of the gym had the same goal in mind.  To get & be healthy no matter where our starting point is.  
However, I also workout at home using my kids as weights & my wii fit for entertainment.  I LOVE the at home workouts well.  My children enjoy it too because they can workout with me.  I feel that this is a better option for my family because I'm not just teaching my kids to be healthy, but I'm leading by example without them knowing it.  I try to get a at home workout in at least once or twice a week.  
No matter where I workout, time is the biggest enemy! There are days where I only have 30 minutes to spare and other days where I have 2 hours available to workout.  I feel a better & more intense of a workout completed when I do a 20 minute workout.  The less time I have scheduled the better the workout?  It doesn't make sense yet its true.  

“This post is sponsored by Birds Eye and hosted by Mamavation – a community dedicated to obesity prevention & weight loss for women and I’m writing this to be entered into a giveaway” at the bottom of your post.