Monday, July 23, 2012


This weeks topic is one that hits home not just for me, but many other people that I know. I have experienced many types of abuse over the years.  Not just physical, but verbal.  Without going into too much detail here are just a few things that I myself experienced. This is very personal, and no one other than my husband, physician & siblings know about some of these things.  I'm not yet comfortable sharing all the details with my fellow "sisters".  But I will tell you I have experienced mental abuse from a teacher in grade school, physical abuse from my mom, and sexual abuse. 

The sexual abuse is the hardest for me to share.  Its so personal.  I've even try to twist the story around so that it wont sound like a rape.  But deep down it still bothers me so much.  I still now 15 years after the fact still want to eat an entire cake or bag of chips to try to forget about it. 

However my weight gain didn't really start to happen until after the first BIG lie that happened while my husband & I were dating.  Than I got it back under control, or so I thought, until my youngest daughter was born.  That's really when I packed on the pounds, fast. 

I know for myself, I work out hard and try to eat healthy.  But whenever I flash back to the abuse that I have had  I want to eat and 7 out of 10 times I give into the food.  Which than only makes me feel worse. 

This weeks program is going to be really hard for me.  I think I will relive some of these past issues & I think that some of the fears I have been having in my marriage, that I have been trying to ignore, may come to life. 

1 comment:

  1. Good luck to you, you sound like you are recognizing where there may be a trigger point, I look forward to reading about the journey!
