Monday, April 29, 2013

#Mamavation Monday : Stop the Negativity

I don't know about you, but throughout this journey to lose weight & get healthy I have experienced negativity.  Negativity caused by me.  There have been multiple times throughout this journey that I have told myself I couldn't do or achieve something.  Only to fall back into old habits.  Its crazy how were our own worse enemy when it comes to over comings something.  I used to tell myself that I couldn't run, or that its too hard to eat healthy, and of course the infamous phrase, its too expensive to eat organic & healthier items.  Thanks to the guidance & learning all the tricks to the trade that I was able to learn from all my Mamavation Sistas (to learn more about our community go to Sistahood)  I was able to overcome those obstacles. 

That's why I am so excited about tonight's guest.  Pete Cohen, the Weight Loss Guru.  I have heard about Pete from other Sistas in their blogs, but this will be my first chance to hear his advice myself.  So be sure to join us tonight on google+ to learn what Pete has to teach us. 

As far as my own weight loss journey, I am more focused on what I am putting into my body.  I need to be more aware of what I am choosing to nourish my body.  I am unable to workout, other than moderate walking, at the moment & I am extremely worried about gaining all the weight back.  Here's to hoping that my weigh in next week goes well.

This post is sponsored by Pete Cohen and Mamavation – a community dedicated to obesity prevention & weight loss for women and I’m writing this to be entered into a giveaway

Monday, April 22, 2013


I first want to apologize to the Mamavation community, for my lack of support to them over the past couple of weeks.  I work on Monday's now, and by the time I get home from work, and get all the normal everyday household chores done I am too exhausted to even think about my blog.  So for that I apologize. 

This week's topic of conversation - Raising Kids with a good work ethic- is a great one, but I am going to go in another direction for the week. 

Today, I want to talk about God & second chances. The bible often talks about second chances.  I am not going to preach and act like I am an expert on the bible, in fact until recently, I never read it.  However in my search regarding second chances, I stumbled upon this line....
 1 Timothy 2:4 - Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth. 

The truth.  What is the the truth.  For each & everyone of us we hold our own meaning to that simple little word "Truth"  When I think about the above phrase, I imagine all those who want solid proof that God exist.  With so much evil in the World its no wonder that there are more & more non believers in the world around us.  As for myself, I always knew that there was a God, but I didn't know what my purpose was to him. I have a few people in my life however, who don't believe.  Who have tried to cast doubt into my belief.  I feel it is because of those people that I am still here, after the car accident I experienced last Thursday.  I don't mean I am hear to preach or read them the bible, but to show the photo I am about to share with you & say to them, "here is your proof that God exist" 
If your friends of mine on Facebook you already have seen the photo & know the story.  But for the rest of you here it is.  I was on my way to the Chiropractor (funny enough to deal with an injury from the accident at the beginning of the year) when someone ran a red light & only stopped because my van got in his way.  Take a closer look at that photo, The main impact was only inches from my head.  Praise the Lord that my kids were just dropped off at school, so they weren't in the van.
I can't explain, why or how I am still here let alone able to write this blog post, but I am. Why?  Because of the truth.  God.  God wants me here.  He wants me to raise my kids, & maybe even have more if I am so lucky.  God protected me from that accident. 
Some of you may be wondering what kind of injuries do you have?  Honestly, I was able to be released the same day from the hospital with only a few cuts, and lots of bruises as well as severe whiplash.  And yes, I am in pain.  Each waking minute of the day I have pain, but I try to tell myself that the pain is to remind me that I am alive.  I can live with that. 
I am so thankful to all the witnesses, firefighters, police officers, and EMTs who also helped to save my life that day.  I may never fully understand how they got me safely out of that van, but I am glad they did.