Monday, November 19, 2012

#Mamavation Crazy Monday

OMG, can not believe how freaking busy I have been the past few weeks.  Time has NOT been on my side, since the two week challenge with Bob Harper ended.  I have been working crazy hours, doing multiple house projects, and dealing with my youngest who has been ill with a nasty cough that keeps her up all night long:(
But there is light at the end of the tunnel as well as some good news!  If your on Facebook you may have seen my post that told you that I had joined a martial arts program.  So far I LOVE it!  Let me tell you that 45 min class just zooms by, but that's not all.  My kids & husband have now joined me!  Were doing this as a family!  Granted were not in the same class but we should  be earning our belts at the same time.  Also, this week is the Turkey Trot that we have been training for.  I haven't seen my kids so enthused about something in a long time.

Here's the nitty gritty...

Current weight:208#s (IF your keeping track thats a gain of 1.3#s, but I'm not worried. I have had less sleep with dealing with my kiddo & that stess always causes a gain)

This week plan....
Monday : Martial Art
Tuesday: 2 mile run, upper body weights
Wednesday: spin, Lower body weights
Thursday:TURKEY TROT with the family
Friday: "rest" I'll be hitting the stores with the rest of the cazies
Saturday: I was invited to try a kettle bell class with a friend.  I may give it a go
Sunday: REST

Goal:  Not gain weight this week, increase my water, get proper amount of sleep at night

This post is sponsored by Dole and hosted by Mamavation – a community dedicated to obesity prevention & weight loss for women and I’m writing this to be entered into a giveaway


  1. Good luck! A little gain is no big deal. You can take care of that easy peasy. :)

  2. That's so great that you're doing martial arts as a family!

  3. How cool that you are doing the martial arts with your family! I think that is important to keep us going and motivated!!

  4. Have fun with the Turkey Trot this week. This is also so cool that your fam is doing martial arts together. Good luck on maintaining for the week.

  5. I've never really associated a lack of sleep with weight gain. Sure does explain a lot in my house! Enjoy your turkey trot!

  6. Enjoy your race... your goals this week look awesome!
