Wednesday, November 7, 2012

What to Do With Extra Halloween Candy

If your family is like mine your children come home with more candy than what they can eat in a lifetime.  So every year I am tossing 3/4 of the stuff in the garbage.  Ever since the kids were babies my husband & I both agreed that we would only let the kids eat 3 pieces of candy MAX a day, and we take all the candy away on November 3 (for us that's about a week after trick or treating)  Even than that's too much, but its a number we could agree on.  This year I wanted to do something different.  I don't want to toss the candy, because I know people spend  ton of cash on the stuff, so I did many searches online for ideas of what to do.  Here are some of my favorites & I wanted to share....
1) Send it to our troops.  They work everyday to fight for our freedom & they like sweets too.  Check out Operation Gratitude for a shipping address.

2) Check with your local dentist about Halloween Candy Buy Back.  Local dentists have partnered with Operation Gratitude where dentist "buy back" your children's candy.  Some dentist buy the candy with different hygiene kits (toothbrushes, tooth paste ext.) while other dentist will actually pay the kids cash (who wouldn't like to make money at a dental office)

3) Freeze it, accoding to most sites I found candy can be frozen for up to 1 year.  Its your choice than if you want to hand it out next Halloween 

4) Who says that you can't use Halloween candy during Christmas? Use leftovers to decorate your Gingerbread house!

5)Try dissolving some candies in vodka and creating an infused booze, suggests Wise Bread.

6) Use them for Science!  Find the details of these and other candy science experiments at  Scientific Blooding

7) Bake with it!  Real Simple has 10 recipes that include all those treats your kids brought into your home

8) Stuff an Piñata !  That's right, does your little one have a birthday coming soon?  Why buy more candy when some did it for you already

9) Bring it to the office.  Perhaps someone in your office doesn't have a little one to bring the goodies home.  I'm sure your co-workers would dig right into that bucket of candy

10)  If all else fails eat what you want & toss the rest.

I hope you found this information useful!


  1. Interesting ideas. Never thought about infusing candy with alcohol lol! Thanks for posting!

  2. Our school is collecting unwanted candy for a local food bank. I may have to look into those recipes though!

  3. Love these ideas, especially the candy buy-back!

  4. These are really smart ideas! Pinning!

  5. Such awesome ideas. Love it Love it Love it
