Monday, September 10, 2012

#Mamavation Monday #2Week Challenge Checking In

This weeks mamavation topic is remaking some of our favorite comfort food that we all know to be unhealthy & to try to make them healthier.  I have been trying to do this for  quite some time.  As some of you know I LOVE to bake.  Absolutely LOVE it.  This is my therapy, some people choose the gym or a good book,  I choose to bake.  I actually have a few of my healthier recpies that I created over the years that I will share throughout the week. I'm hoping it will help get my blog a few more followers.  Here are the recipies that I will share.....
Tuesday: Chicken Nuggets
Wednesday: Chocolate Cake
Thursday: Meatloaf
Friday: Chocolate Chip Cookies
Saturday: Brownies
Sunday:Tuna Casserole

I hope you'll tune in in the following days & tell me how you like the recipies!

#2 Week Challenge Update

Thank the Lord that we are at the half way point of this challenge!  My legs especially my knees were absolutely KILLING me over the weekend. It literately took all my strength to walk up & down steps.  Going down was much harder than up, but I am all better today.   Thanks to all the burpees & squats that myself and all the contestants in this challenge were challenged to do.  I have yet to do my workout today, its called the Scorcher & the name speaks for itself.  But I will do it as soon as I'm done with work this afternoon:)   I am so glad that I have signed up for this challenge.  It helps that I have all you wonderful moms encouraging each other to never give up.  I personally am trying the advanced workout this time around.  I think that my body can handle it, which is the best part of all.  I didn't weigh in today because I don't want to get discouraged if I don't see a difference. That and I'm bloated today which is never a good time to do a weigh in.

 “This post is sponsored by Salba Smart and hosted by Mamavation – a community dedicated to obesity prevention & weight loss for women and I’m writing this to be entered into a giveaway”


  1. I love to bake, too! It relaxes me. I'll definitely be tuning in for your cookies, cake and brownie makeovers!!!

    Good plan with not weighing in while bloated. I had the same thing going on today...and there's no way I can afford to be discouraged when there's still a week of the challenge left! ;) Way to go - we ONLY have a week left!!!! :)

  2. I weighed in bloated. I didn't run across the Mamavation Monday post about lemon water until it was too late! That being said, I'm going to keep some of that in the fridge for next time around. LOL

  3. I am so grateful my knees have been holding up so well. The burpees and the planks are a struggle for me. I always feel like I am going to die.

    I was plenty sore last week though, my legs especially.
